Dark Night for Damien Schwartz

( 336 )

Dr. Schwartz, in the bathroom, with a chandelier.
The 7 present guests are suspected of being the murderer.
The social worker, the old friend, the colleague, the nurse... Can you find the assassin?

This is the very first investigation we conducted; the interrogations were not yet interactive, the video production was not yet professional. Nevertheless, it remains a good investigation, rather gory 🩸

Difficulty: Hard
Duration: ~ 2h

Start investigation

Paid investigation, you must first buy the investigation

Special Agent
Special Agent - 7 cases 7 cases - €19.99

Special Agent Pack
4 cases: Forbidden Dinners | The Junkyard Case | A Star is Dead | Mortal speed dating
+ 3 pilots


5 52%
4 31%
3 10%
2 4%
1 4%

Rank Detective Points
Rank Detective Points
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